EDDHA Fe 6% ortho 4.8Inonyanya kushandiswa sefotireza yezvinhu zvekurima uye iri catalyst in chemical industry and purifier in water treatment. This product's effect is too much than the general inorganic iron fertiliser.Inogona kubatsira chirimwa kudzivirira kutambura kwesimbi, izvo zvingakonzera "yellow". chirwere cheshizha, chirwere cheshizha jena, dieback, pfuti blight” nezvimwe zviratidzo zvekushaya simba.Inoita kuti goho ridzoke richive rakasvibira, uye kuwedzera goho, kunatsiridza mhando, kusimbaradza kurwisa zvirwere uye kukurudzira kukurumidza kukura.